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The objectives of the project are:

  1. To design and build an anthropomimetic robot torso mounted on a powered mobile platform
    This will be verified by the existence and demonstrable functionality of three types of robot (ECCE1, ECCE2, and ECCE3) to be developed in an iterative manner within ECCEROBOT.

  2. To develop methods of characterising such robots in terms of the information flows emerging from their human-like intrinsic dynamics and sensory-motor coupling
    This will be verified by academic papers in high-level conferences and journals documenting the outcomesof WP6, part of which is devoted to this topic.

  3. To investigate ways of controlling the robot during movement, interaction, and mobile manipulation, and to combine the successful control strategies in a single architecture deploying them appropriately according to circumstances and tasks
    This will be verified by academic papers in high-level conferences and journals documenting the outcomes of WP4, WP5, and WP6, each of which will explore one possible mode of control, and by the final testing and evaluation of ECCE3 which will be controlled by the single architecture.

  4. To exploit the anthropomimetic nature of the robot in order to achieve some human-like cognitive characteristics through sensory-motor control
    This will be verified by academic papers in high-level conferences and journals documenting the outcomes of WP6, part of which is devoted to this topic.

  5. To evaluate the functional and cognitive abilities of the robot, both absolutely, and in comparison with a state of the art conventional robot
    This will be verified by the final ECCE3 evaluation and test reports from WP7.