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Welcome to the ECCEROBOT Homepage, the home of the first anthropomimetic robot

ECCEROBOT (Embodied Cognition in a Compliantly Engineered Robot) is a three-year project funded by the 7th  framework programme of the EU (ICT-Challenge 2, "Cognitive Systems, Interaction, Robotics"). It has three goals: to build the first truly anthropomimetic  robot; to find out how to control it; and finally, to investigate its human-like  cognitive features.

Dr. Nora Berra, MEP, the French Secretary of State for Health, meets ECCEROBOT at the Innorobo trade show, Lyon, 2011.

What is different about the ECCEROBOT approach? Find out by watching our teaser video.





The team from the ETF was awarded the 1st place and the trophy at the ICAMES competition. The Belgrade team presented a student project done within the framework of the ECCEROBOT project, showing the possibilities for controlling robots with antagonistically coupled compliant drives.



After the competition, enormous publicity was given to this achievement in Serbia.



ECCEROBOT appeared at the SwissNex event held in San Francisco (January 19th 2012, Rolf Pfeifer presents Ecce).